Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What's the best way to clean your room?

put on your favorite song, and enjoy yourself while cleaning. 

decorate: go to cvs and buy some blank cds or DVDs and string them up with clear fishing wire, to make a floating appearance, you can also hang some form your door frame. next add some flair . go to a store and buy cheap fake flowers, attach them to your ceiling all at the same height to make your ceiling like a flower-garden . 

or, get a bunch of pics that you love, any kind of pictures , and hang them from fishing wire to "float" with picture attached to each other back to back so either way you look at it you see a pic, or put pictures on your ceiling and shape them into a peace sign, smiley face , heart or whatever you like, make it a collage.

last , go to a hardware store and buy paint that is not visible on your wall, but in dark it glows, have your friends come over and write you a message or sign their name, place a hand-print that you will see every night when you go to sleep . (; hope i helped.